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June 18, 2014

Beaglebone Black Pin Mux

Filed under: Technology — Tags: — hewball @ 11:34 am

Found this Saving for later!!! http://hipstercircuits.com/enable-serialuarttty-on-beaglebone-black/

Finding the numbers for muxing pins
I have yet to find a good explanation for the pin mux hex numbers. I discovered I had actually written it up myself in a previous post, but I’ll repeat it here for convenience.

In the above example you have the following:

0x070 0x26  /* P9_11 = GPIO0_30 = GPMC_WAIT0 , MODE6 */

The first number is the offset from the first pin (conf_gpmc_ad0). The second number is the mode and direction etc. Cameon has an explenation of the second number. Reprinted here for convenience:

  • Bit 5: 1 – Input, 0 – Output
  • Bit 4: 1 – Pull up, 0 – Pull down
  • Bit 3: 1 – Pull disabled, 0 – Pull enabled
  • Bit 2 \
  • Bit 1   |- Mode
  • Bit 0 /

The following is a list of the first numbers for all the pins that have been broken out on the Beaglebone.

So if you want to mux pin 6 from the P8 header to mode 7 (GPIO) and output, you say:

0x0C 0×07 /* P8_6 = GPIO1_3 -> Mode7, output. */

Here is a table of all the pins that are broken out with their corresponding numbers and names:

P8_1 GND P9_1 GND
P8_2 GND P9_2 GND
P8_3 0×18 GPIO1_6 gpmc_ad6 P9_3 DC_3.3V
P8_4 0x1C GPIO1_7 gpmc_ad7 P9_4 DC_3.3V
P8_5 0×08 GPIO1_2 gpmc_ad2 P9_5 VDD_5V
P8_6 0x0C GPIO1_3 gpmc_ad3 P9_6 VDD_5V
P8_7 0×90 TIMER4 gpmc_advn_ale P9_7 SYS_5V
P8_8 0×94 TIMER7 gpmc_oen_ren P9_8 SYS_5V
P8_9 0x9C TIMER5 gpmc_be0n_cle P9_9 PWR_BUT
P8_10 0×98 TIMER6 gpmc_wen P9_10 SYS_RESETn RESET_OUT
P8_11 0×34 GPIO1_13 gpmc_ad13 P9_11 0×70 UART4_RXD gpmc_wait0
P8_12 0×30 GPIO1_12 GPMC_AD12 P9_12 0×78 GPIO1_28 gpmc_be1n
P8_13 0×24 EHRPWM2B gpmc_ad9 P9_13 0×74 UART4_TXD gpmc_wpn
P8_14 0×28 GPIO0_26 gpmc_ad10 P9_14 0×48 EHRPWM1A gpmc_a2
P8_15 0x3C GPIO1_15 gpmc_ad15 P9_15 0×40 GPIO1_16 gpmc_a0
P8_16 0×38 GPIO1_14 gpmc_ad14 P9_16 0x4C EHRPWM1B gpmc_a3
P8_17 0x2C GPIO0_27 gpmc_ad11 P9_17 0x15C I2C1_SCL spi0_cs0
P8_18 0x8C GPIO2_1 gpmc_clk_mux0 P9_18 0×158 I2C1_SDA spi0_d1
P8_19 0×20 EHRPWM2A gpmc_ad8 P9_19 0x17C I2C2_SCL uart1_rtsn
P8_20 0×84 GPIO1_31 gpmc_csn2 P9_20 0×178 I2C2_SDA uart1_ctsn
P8_21 0×80 GPIO1_30 gpmc_csn1 P9_21 0×154 UART2_TXD spi0_d0
P8_22 0×14 GPIO1_5 gpmc_ad5 P9_22 0×150 UART2_RXD spi0_sclk
P8_23 0×10 GPIO1_4 gpmc_ad4 P9_23 0×44 GPIO1_17 gpmc_a1
P8_24 0×04 GPIO1_1 gpmc_ad1 P9_24 0×184 UART1_TXD uart1_txd
P8_25 0×00 GPIO1_0 gpmc_ad0 P9_25 0x1AC GPIO3_21 mcasp0_ahclkx
P8_26 0x7C GPIO1_29 gpmc_csn0 P9_26 0×180 UART1_RXD uart1_rxd
P8_27 0xE0 GPIO2_22 lcd_vsync P9_27 0x1A4 GPIO3_19 mcasp0_fsr
P8_28 0xE8 GPIO2_24 lcd_pclk P9_28 0x19C SPI1_CS0 mcasp0_ahclkr
P8_29 0xE4 GPIO2_23 lcd_hsync P9_29 0×194 SPI1_D0 mcasp0_fsx
P8_30 0xEC GPIO2_25 lcd_ac_bias_en P9_30 0×198 SPI1_D1 mcasp0_axr0
P8_31 0xD8 UART5_CTSN lcd_data14 P9_31 0×190 SPI1_SCLK mcasp0_aclkx
P8_32 0xDC UART5_RTSN lcd_data15 P9_32 VADC
P8_33 0xD4 UART4_RTSN lcd_data13 P9_33 AIN4
P8_34 0xCC UART3_RTSN lcd_data11 P9_34 AGND
P8_35 0xD0 UART4_CTSN lcd_data12 P9_35 AIN6
P8_36 0xC8 UART3_CTSN lcd_data10 P9_36 AIN5
P8_37 0xC0 UART5_TXD lcd_data8 P9_37 AIN2
P8_38 0xC4 UART5_RXD lcd_data9 P9_38 AIN3
P8_39 0xB8 GPIO2_12 lcd_data6 P9_39 AIN0
P8_40 0xBC GPIO2_13 lcd_data7 P9_40 AIN1
P8_41 0xB0 GPIO2_10 lcd_data4 P9_41 0x1B0 CLKOUT2 xdma_event_intr1
P8_42 0xB4 GPIO2_11 lcd_data5 P9_42 0×164 GPIO0_7 eCAP0_in_PWM0_out
P8_43 0xA8 GPIO2_8 lcd_data2 P9_43 GND
P8_44 0xAC GPIO2_9 lcd_data3 P9_44 GND
P8_45 0xA0 GPIO2_6 lcd_data0 P9_45 GND
P8_46 0xA4 GPIO2_7 lcd_data1 P9_46 GND

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